


RedElec Technologie SA is a public limited company created in June 2007. A spin-off of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), it is the proponent of an innovative electrochemical process.

The company develops and markets a new electrochemical technology enabling redox (reduction-oxidation) transformations to be undertaken more cost-effectively and with less environmental impact, on the actual production site.


RedElec, an economical and ecological solution

The electrochemical reduction of an aqueous suspension of indigo is the first industrial application of the process developed by RedElec Technologie SA. This transformation is a necessary stage in the cotton dyeing process for the denim industry (the fabric used for the production of jeans).

The RedElec Technologie SA solution enables ready-to-use dye to be produced on the actual denim production site, in other words directly at the ‘point of use’. It is more economical and more environmentally friendly than other processes currently used in the denim industry. In parallel to this primary market, RedElec is also involved in the development of a process for the elimination of refractory pollutants resulting from water treatment. The electrochemical technology offers an advanced oxidation process.

Working for companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, agrochemical and biotechnological industries, RedElec Technologie SA is researching the electrochemical alternative for the problematic redox transformation stages of their production processes and for the opening up of new synthesis paths. The company is currently optimising the process in the laboratory and monitoring the scale-up to industrial level. It also develops and supplies industrial production installations.

RedElec was awarded the Prix Debiopharm Valais for life sciences in 2009 and the Liechti Foundation award in 2008.


Support of The Ark Foundation

RedElec Technologie joined The Ark’s Incubator at the BioArk site in Monthey in April 2007, and remained there until 2010. Here, the company benefited from infrastructures specially dedicated to its activities. Coaching by The Ark’s Incubator supported the entrepreneur in considering a complete business model and implementing an appropriate legal structure. Substantial support was also given for the establishment of commercial and financial partnerships.


Date founded: 2007
Director: David Crettenand
Address: Rue des Artisans 14, 1908 Riddes
Telephone: +41 (0) 27 306 55 20
Website: www.redelec.ch
Email: davidcrettenand [at] redelec.ch
Number of employees: 3

Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse