The Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil (ACW) research station carries out applied research into plant production, in particular via processes of domestication and selection, improvement of production techniques,...
The Accelerator works not only with higher education establishments and research organisations, but also with new entrepreneurs.
In the Valais, it can draw on a pool of very high quality technology resources.
The Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil (ACW) research station carries out applied research into plant production, in particular via processes of domestication and selection, improvement of production techniques,...
L'école supérieure spécialisée lointaine Suisse (FFHS) propose depuis plus de dix ans helvétique les filières de Fachhochschul reconnues dans l'enseignement...
In every field of management and administration, companies are faced with ever more complex decision-making processes, in which a growing number of parameters and items of information must be taken into...
The Idiap research institute at Martigny has been actively involved in fundamental and applied research at a very high level since 1991, giving it a leading position both in Europe and internationally....
Mediplant is a research and development centre devoted to plants used for food, cosmetic, nutritional and medicinal purposes. Its services cover two complementary areas of activity: firstly, securing a...